Thursday, April 5, 2012

One hell of a day

Dear Reader,
       Today was one hell of a day.  Well, it actually all started with last night.
       Alaska had stayed in her carrier all day yesterday, and while conventional wisdom told me not to bother her and wait for her to come out and explore of her own accord, my instinct was telling me that she just needed a little encouragement.  Of course, it helped that I'd been winking at her throughout the day, whenever I could, and she had started to wink back.  Winks have much the same meaning for cats as they do for humans - both imply trust, affection - but winks carry far more weight in cat language.  In fact, it's widely accepted that winks are a cat's kisses.  Why is that?  Enemies, especially predators, do not attack with their eyes closed, so shutting one or both eyes, if even for a second, is quite a strong display of vulnerability.
       After a few careful attempts, I was able to put my hand on Alaska's forehead.  Still quite apprehensive of how she would react, I gently stroked her for a good half an hour before I felt confident enough to move her.  I plopped her onto my mattress and let her crawl under the sheets.  She curled up next to me and seemed comfortable.  From what Joan (from 2000 Spays and Neuters) had told me, nobody had ever touched her or shown her love before.  I felt excited, like I was treading on new territory, and needless to say, I was happy that I'd trusted my instincts.

Alaska, watching Weeds, 4/4/2012

       In the middle of the night, I was awoken by a bloodcurdling scream, and something bolted from under the covers and ran into the cat carrier.  It was Alaska, of course.  I can only imagine what she'd been dreaming about, but I really felt for her.  We all have things in our past that we're running from (well I do, at least), and whatever was haunting Alaska, it must've been absolutely terrifying.
       The next day, I had an easier time coaxing Alaska onto my bed for some snuggling time.  Although I'd made a ton of progress with her, and she obviously trusted me enough to let me pet her for as long as I wanted, she still remained a very fearful cat.  Every time I approached her, she would hiss at me, but I knew by now that it was almost second-nature for her, and I also knew that I shouldn't show fear or back off - that would only reinforce the hissing behavior.  Getting my hand on her forehead was the biggest obstacle, and there aren't any fancy tricks for accomplishing that.  You really just have to go for it, even in spite of the hissing, and she'd immediately calm down from there.

Alaska, 4/5/2012

       Everything was going fantastic, and I couldn't wait to tell Joan about this other side of Alaska.  I'd even been able to trim her nails, which looked like they had never been touched.  They were razor sharp.

Persia, nails trimmed, 4/5/2012

       Then, I went to take a shower.  I could've sworn I'd closed my bedroom door - I always make sure to do that - but when I came out, Alaska was nowhere to be found.  I searched everywhere, and then I realized the balcony window was open.  I peered outside, and sure enough, she was curled up just out of sight.  By then, I was terrified, but I didn't even want to consider the possibility of what could happen.  I knew I had to be extra careful, or she might bolt, and then I'd never forgive myself.
       I reached my hand out towards her, all the while reassuring her.  Good girl, Alaska.  Everything's gonna be okay.  I got a hold of her, and felt a sigh of relief as I lifted her back through the window.  Suddenly, she transformed into this savage, wild cat and viciously attacked my hands.  I count myself extremely lucky that I'd trimmed her nails just moments earlier, but even still, the damage was substantial.  Click through to see the pictures; they're not pretty.
       That episode made me extra thankful that God had chosen me to watch over this kitten.  Who knows what would've happened if she'd ended up at the Animal Control Center?  More likely than not, she would've been deemed a dangerous animal and euthanized without a moment's thought.  But we're all God's creatures, and we all deserve a chance - I know I've been given more than a few.  Though I'll have a few scars, and one that'll probably be permanent, to remind me of what Alaska's capable of, I also know that I won't give up on her.  Alaska, I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure you're the happy, healthy, confident cat I know you can be.  You deserve at least that much.
       She can't hear me now, but she seems at peace.  Give your furry companions some extra love today.  They deserve it too.

Alaska, 4/5/2012

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